SWF Convert is a program that can convert many types of files to .SWF.
It is capable to convert files from the most popular graphic files and .wav files. Supposedly, it can also convert .avi video files. While writing this review, I could not convert a single .avi file, however. No matter the Windows version, the Media Player installed in the system, SWF Convert always crashed when trying to convert .avi files. It could not convert even the clock.avi file that comes bundled in Windows XP.
You can create .swf files from image or audio files. The resulting files can be easily read by any web browser, even in different platforms. It is possible to set the movie size (width and height), the size of the images into that movies, as well as its position and background to be used. You can configure the program to create an individual movie file for each processed file, or join all of them in a single movie. You can choose the FPS that the movie will use, and the number of frames used by each image in the movie. It is also possible to choose an animation that will be shown while the movie loads.
The unregistered version of this program will put a big red cross over the files generated, except when converting .WAV files.